Stuck in a Book’s Weekend Miscellany

I’ve got a jam-packed weekend, with a wedding, theatre trip, church, etc. Probably not much curling up with a book and relaxing, but lots of fun. Hope you’re having a good one, and here’s a book, a blog post, and a link to take you through it…

1.) The link – is the first in a series called ‘Books By My Bed‘, in Boundless (from Unbound). Dan Kieran talks through the books on his bedside table, and it’s generally a nice piece about the joy of books.

2.) The blog post – is over at Shiny New Books: which books should you buy for Christmas gifts? My recommendation is there, along with those from many other bloggers and reviewers.

3.) The book – Browse, edited by Henry Hitchings, came through my letterbox recently and I can’t wait to start dipping into it. The subtitle, ‘love letters to bookshops around the world’, tells you what you need to know. (To find out a bit more, enjoy Susan’s review at A Life in Books.)

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