Stuck in a Book’s Weekend Miscellany

I’m off to Mottisfont by the time you read this (or, indeed, I may well have come back and we’ve carried on with our lives) – there’s an exhibition of Rex Whistler art that I’m excited about seeing. But that doesn’t mean that I’ll leave you miscellaniless (yes, it’s a word).

1.) The blog post – do see Kaggsy’s round up of the 1951 Club. And we’ve picked our next club year! Actually – you’ve chosen it: in the comments on our round ups, 1968 got the most votes. So, 23-29 October 2017 will be the #1968club! I’m already excited about it, as it seems (somewhat to my surprise) that I have lots of books from 1968 that I want to read. Maybe I’m not quite such an interwar-reader as I thought?

2.) The book – is by Will Rycroft. Will – erstwhile blogger, Waterstones employee, actor, and generally lovely bloke – has written about his experiences performing in War Horse, with the excellent title All Quiet on the West-End Front. It’s with Unbound – in case you’re unfamiliar with the format, it’s a crowd-funding publishing house. To find out more about the book, and look into funding options if you’re interested, head over to Unbound.

3.) The link – treat yourself to a video of a grammar/punctuation vigilante. My brother Colin and my friend Mel both live in Bristol and love good grammar, but promise it wasn’t them.

5 thoughts on “Stuck in a Book’s Weekend Miscellany

  • April 22, 2017 at 11:53 am

    The only problem with 1968 is that I seem to have read an awful lot of the best (for me) ones already! I’m sure I’ll be able to locate some more… I’ve pledged to Will’s book and hope it gets to be published really soon (it was at 30% last time I heard). Love the grammar vigilante! Have a great weekend.

  • April 22, 2017 at 2:49 pm

    I’m searching books published in 1968 and I’ve already found some promising titles:

    Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer
    The House on the Strand by Daphne du Maurier
    Under the Glacier by Halldor Laxness
    A Small Town in Germany by John LeCarre
    The Day of the Scorpion by Paul Scott (Raj Quartet #2)

    Also Forfeit by Dick Francis which I know I’ve read but it’s been so long it’ll be like reading it for the first time all over again! I’m looking forward to 1968 week already!

  • April 22, 2017 at 4:23 pm

    You should certainly read “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” if you have not already done so :-) You still have the option of reading Saul Bellow as “Mosby’s Memoirs and Other Stories” was published in 1968 (though some of the six short stories were previously published), though this isn’t going to be as impressive a work as Herzog to be sure.

  • April 22, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    Very excited about 1968, surprisingly enough! I though I might struggle at first, but once I started digging about I found I had quite a lot of titles from the year in question…. :)

  • April 23, 2017 at 2:29 pm

    I hope you enjoyed the Whistler exhibition as much as I did on Wednesday. I became rather lost inside some of the more fantastic images, and the large portrait of Edith Olivier was definitely worth seeing.

    One of the lovely second-hand books I bought from the shop there was Further Chronicles of Fairacre by Miss Read, which includes Fairacre Festival, published 1968: a happy coincidence!


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