Will I ever get enough of London? (yes… that’s enough now)

(Thanks to those of you who expressed interest in receiving a copy of my paper – I’m not ignoring you, will email off Thurs evening!)

Wow, if you thought I bought a lot of books at the weekend, wait til you see how many I got on Wednesday with Claire (who, remembering her luggage allowance, was rather more circumspect).  That’s for another day, though.  For today I’ll just show off this photo of me meeting Claire (taken by Darlene – who joined us for dinner, giving me the delight of seeing her twice in one week.)

Tonight, tired, and having succumbed to the inevitable cold (all my housemates have it – it was only a matter of time) I just wanted to write a quick question…

This is to all the bloggers who have met other bloggers in person.  I can say, without hesitation, that all the bloggers I’ve met have been lovely, Claire being (of course) no exception.  But what does change quite a lot is how similar or different they are to/from how I imagined them.  Some bloggers – perhaps especially Karen and Thomas – were exactly how I’d envisioned them.  Others, while lovely, were lovely in a whole other way that I’d anticipated.

I’ve been lucky – I’ve met probably 30-35 bloggers in person (I’ll have to do a proper count sometime) so I can make these sorts of statements – but I’d love for you to answer, if you can!  How have your face-to-face blogger-to-blogger meetings gone?

And, for an even smaller group of respondents… was I how you imagined I’d be, when you met me?!

19 thoughts on “Will I ever get enough of London? (yes… that’s enough now)

  • September 22, 2011 at 12:28 am

    Ooh, now that is interesting to think about. Almost all the bloggers that I've met have been wonderful to talk to. (I say almost all because I've met a lot at large gatherings and conventions that perhaps did not show them–or me–at our best.)

    I can only think of one person who was really different from what I expected (Jenny of Jenny's Books), but it was just the initial impression that took me by surprise. I think you and Thomas were almost exactly what I expected.

    What's been interesting to me is how meeting certain bloggers has affected how I read their blogs. I hear their voices sometimes when I read, for example. There's one blogger in particular (Jill of Rhapsody in Books) who makes me laugh so much in person that I've come to love reading her blog despite our sometimes wildly different reading tastes.

  • September 22, 2011 at 2:41 am

    A wonderful post.

    I have met one blogger, Mise from PRETTY FAR WEST. We met in Ireland a few weeks ago and it was a fabulous experience. I had assumed Mise was an English Prof at NUI in Galway – turns out she has her doctorate in mathematics and did teach at that particualar school but is now a translator which allows her time at hoe with her young daughters.
    You are taller and different to what I imagined. You look kind and fun loving which I had assumed.
    It is nice to see your face.

  • September 22, 2011 at 7:20 am

    I haven't met nearly as many bloggers as you have, and not nearly as many as I'd like, but I agree that all have been be quite delightful. As for you — in actual fact you were more or less exactly as I'd imagined you — which was good, I hasten to say.

  • September 22, 2011 at 8:24 am

    Just about everyone I've met (I'd say about 20) has been very nice. Sometimes they're physically not quite what I imagined but that's not a problem. More of a problem is when they turn out to be not very communicative as a couple have. Still nice people… but you have to make all the conversation and that can be hard work. Most people are not like that though and I've made some wonderful friends via the blogging world.

  • September 22, 2011 at 8:31 am

    Simon, I have had the pleasure of meeting you and I'm not at all sure I had a preconception of how you might be. I try hard not to form a view in advance of meeting people. Were you disappointed at seeing my light-coloured skin and distinct lack of fur?

  • September 22, 2011 at 9:33 am

    I can say without hesitation that all the bloggers I've met arelovely in person too. That get-together in London was great – we should try to do something similar again … I'd be happy to help organise. Anyone?

    You were exactly what I expected when I met you first at my quiznight (3rd lit quiz will probably be in early Feb – date to follow).

  • September 22, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I've also been lucky enough to meet a few bloggers and have to say that almost everyone has been lovely. What always takes me by surprise (and shouldn't) is how easy it is to talk to everyone even if you don't know them well. Have to say I didn't expect to get on with you so well Simon since I'm really shy! And yes, it would be great to have another blogger meet-up!

  • September 22, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    Two of my favorite bloggers together in one pic – I love it! Alas, I haven't met any of you. One of these days I intend to renew my passport and track you all down! I do feel like I know many of you, so I esp. appreciated all the comments that said "you were just what people expected."

  • September 22, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    Thanks so much for inviting me to join you and Claire, Simon! I'm practically feeling like a resident seeing friendly faces wave at me through the window of a restaurant. Claire is lovely and what a gorgeous smile! As for you, I knew you had a sense of humour but it's even better in person…and that's with you coming down with a cold.

    Meeting you, Claire x2, Rachel and Mary has made my trip the best yet.

  • September 22, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    I haven't met terribly many, but all were much as I imagined them to be and all were lovely.

  • September 22, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    Here is something funny about the meet up we had last November–I was surprised that you all had accents! I know that sounds really stupid. After all I know you all hail from various parts of the UK, but for some reason the accents threw me off a bit. Maybe because being in England always makes me very self-conscious about my own accent. My biggest disappointment in our meet up was that there were so many of you, I didn't feel like I got to talk to anyone about anything and it all went by so quickly. I feel the same way when a few of us DC bloggers have gotten together here. Never enough time. I fear they think I talk too much–and I do, but it is just enthusiasm unleashed.

    I have to agree with Teresa about how meeting bloggers impacts how one reads their blogs.

    I am envious you got to meet Darlene. Although I think I will have to visit her in Canada so I can meet Deacon.

  • September 22, 2011 at 9:49 pm

    I am SO sad I couldn't make it. :( I felt terrible. BUT on the plus side we took one of the flats we bought! So it was kind of worth the hassle.

    You were exactly as I thought – charming, witty, warm and very friendly. Just like we'd always been friends! I dread to think what you must have thought of me. Loud, bossy….I will say no more!!

    All the bloggers I have met have been just as I imagined. Internet voices are not so dissimilar from real ones it seems! x

  • September 22, 2011 at 9:50 pm

    that should say 'viewed' instead of bought. Wishful thinking, clearly!

  • September 22, 2011 at 11:27 pm

    Lucky you having met so many bloggers. It's nice having a face to go with the blog. I've met a few reading group friends from on line, but never any bloggers.

    love the photo – u both look good.

  • September 23, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    What an interesting question. The handful of bloggers I've met were just as I imagined, all wonderful people, although a few were older/younger fatter/thinner darker/fairer (or whatever) than I'd expected. Isn't it funny how just from blog posts we build a picture of what we think a person will look like.

  • September 23, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    Last week's conference was the first time I'd met other bloggers who I know through blogging. I do know quite a few bloggers but I met them before their blogs, if you see what I mean. I enjoyed it greatly and hope to do more of it! Simon – you are very like your writing style in person and it's now great to hear your posts in your voice.

  • September 26, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    I'm afraid I've not met a single blogger! I really need to get out more! :) However I do feel like I 'know' some people through the 'voice' of their blog and thanks to lovely photos like you have posted!

  • September 27, 2011 at 9:48 am

    Teresa – I absolutely agree about hearing people's voices makes such a difference to how I read their blogs – it's so nice to be able to put a voice to the text, as it were. I'm also interested by what you say about meeting people at conventions – I've only really done that once, and there were 18 of us. Goodness knows what people thought about me, considering I was recovering from a sick bug!

    Helen – thank you! How interesting that I come across as shorter in the way I write :) I deliberately didn't put a photo of myself up for a couple of years, because I wanted people to read just the text, without an image of what the writer looked like!

    Harriet – I remember one of the first things you said were "But aren't you blonde?" (!) It has been lovely getting to know you in person, and it has made me read your blog differently too. Not sure in what way, but certainly differently…

    Cath – that is the problem with people on the internet, isn't it – we tend to be quite shy, and sometimes not at our best in public! Having said that, most of the bloggers I meet somehow click, and we chat away nineteen to the dozen.

    Peter – haha! I would be disappointed at any human being in place of a cat, it is true…

    Annabel – I'm glad the cogs have started turning on this, another meet-up would be such fun. And thanks for update on quiz, will definitely be there! You were pretty much how I imagined too :)

    Sakura – as I said in an email, I love meeting up with you in person and we always seem to have a nice chat!

    Susan – alas indeed! Renew that passport and come to cloudy England, do!

    Darlene – I can't tell you what fun it was to meet you! Similarly, you were exactly how I imagined but even more fun. You must come again… or I'll finally get myself over to Canada.

    Karen – lovely :)

    Thomas – that is funny! I must confess I always imagine all bloggers having a British accent, but I'm awful at recognising accents anyway. Darlene asked me if she and Claire sounded alike, being both Canadians, and I had to admit that more or less anyone from the continent of North America sounded alike to me. And I so loved meeting you, you came across very well :)

    Rachel – aww, what nice words! I have to say, you are exactly like your blog but with an added wicked sense of humour, which I hadn't quite expected, and which made me like you all the more! All that sweetness and light on your blog, and *really* you're wayward ;)

    Diane – thanks! And I've been so lucky to meet so many online friends.

    somewhereboy – I do rather work them, don't I?

    Annie – I never visualise characers from novels, and I'm sort of the same with bloggers – or at least I think I am until I meet them, then I realise that my vague picture either is or isn't right, without having really realised I had that picture at all! Confusing, no?

    Tanya – what a privilege, to be your first blogger met! It was great to meet you, and we must do it again.

    Danielle – Danielle! How sad! You should come to England…


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